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The Benefits of Near
Infrared Sauna
The body uses temperature to fight off infection and to burn off "toxic" waste. When the body temperature is low, it is not able to efficiently fight off pathogens nor clean up unhealthy tissue.
According to Professor Abo Toro at Niigata University in Japan: our immune functions are improved by 40% when our body temperature is increased by just one degree. The impact of fighting off diseases like cancer has a significant impact on the treatment of these conditions. Natural forces, like immune function, are very important in the fighting of disease.
"A continuation of a lowered body temperature creates an ideal environment for viruses and chronic infection to develop and thrive. It is a sign of degeneration and gradual cellular death, and should be viewed as a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Lowered body temperature, in Dr. Karlfeldt’s opinion, is akin to the “plague” of the 21st century.
As the body’s core temperature decreases, all cellular energy also decreases. The cooperative and collective intelligence of the whole human organism is short-circuited as the body temperature cools down. As a result of lowered body temperature, all cellular functions decrease; there’s a decrease in production of all hormones, neurotransmitters, and other body chemicals necessary for all normal body regulation." Dr Michael Karlfeldt
Benefits of Near InfraRed Sauna use:
Skin rejuvenation. Sauna use slowly restores elimination through the skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body and a major eliminative channel. In most people, it is inactive, congested and toxic. Sun exposure, use of synthetic clothing, bathing in chlorinated water and exposure to hundreds of chemicals damage the skin. Excessive sympathetic nervous system activity and emotions such as fear, anger and guilt cause blood to be withdrawn from the skin, contributing to inactivity of the skin.
Regular use of a sauna reduces the risk of fatal heart attacks and reduces death from all causes.
Enhanced sweating and decoupling of toxins. Sweating in a sauna is a by-product of applying heat to the body. The sweating process gently and safely helps eliminate all heavy metals and toxic chemicals. Medical studies demonstrate that most toxins can be eliminated through the skin, relieving the burden on the kidneys and liver. Sweating increases dramatically in most people after several months of daily sauna use. This in turn assists in the elimination of toxins, including heavy metals, thus also possibly decreasing the risk of dementia, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and other diseases where heavy metals and toxins may be a contributory cause.
Sweating during exercise is not nearly as effective for detoxification because exercise activates the sympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nervous activity inhibits toxin elimination. The Near InfraRed Sauna activates the Parasympathetic nervous system, thus enabling the body to eliminate toxins efficiently.
Exercise benefits. Saunas provide many of the benefits of exercise with much less expenditure of energy. These include enhanced circulation and oxidation of the tissues. Repeated sauna use can lower elevated blood pressure and improve the elasticity of the arteries. Saunas are most helpful for cardiovascular rehabilitation, arthritis, allergies, skin conditions and chemical sensitivity.
Decongesting the internal organs. Heating the body powerfully shunts blood toward the skin to dissipate heat. This decongests the internal organs and greatly stimulates circulation. Sinuses, joints and many other tissues benefit greatly.
Fever therapy (hyperthermia) for infections. Raising body temperature powerfully assists the body to kill bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. Many people have a low body temperature and, for this reason, cannot get rid of chronic infections. Common sites of infections are the sinuses, ears, eyes, bladder, throat and intestines.
Tumours, radiation poisoning and mutated cells. Hyperthermia also helps kill other types of abnormal cells. Tumours, for example, tolerate heat poorly. Raising body temperature hastens their death. Though not a conventional method, hyperthermia is a well-researched therapy for cancer. Heat also disables or kills cells mutated by radiation or damaged by other toxins.
Inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system. This is tremendous benefit not offered by many therapies of any kind. It enables the body to relax, heal and regenerate itself much faster, causing recovery from many types of ailments.
Oxygenating and hydrating the cells and organs, and improving circulation.
The following information is taken from Dr L Wilson's website on the health benefits on Near InfraRed
"The benefits that have been researched include:
BOOSTS METABOLISM – The mitochondria (power plants of the cells) produce more ATP (energy currency of the cells) when NIR (near infrared rays) is introduced. (1,2)
REDUCES BODY FAT – A group of 20 women riding stationary bicycles 3 times per week for 4 weeks exposed to NIR lost an average of 8 cm’s or 444% more as compared to 20 women doing the same exercise without NIR. (3)
INCREASES ENERGY – NIR activates the color sensitive chemicals (chromophores & cytochrome systems) to depths of 23 centimeters (or about 10 inches), stimulating the energy processes in cells. (1)
IMPROVES CIRCULATION TO THE MUSCLES – NIR causes the release of nitric oxide. This stimulates vasodilatation of the microcirculatory system, bringing more blood to the muscles. (4)
BETTER ENDURANCE – Muscle fatigue was reduced by up to 42.2% when exposing muscle to NIR. (5,6)
INCREASES STRENGTH – Growth hormone release is induced by an increase in body temperature and not by exercise itself. Growth hormone increases muscle mass, calcium retention, and lipolysis (the breakdown of stored fat). (14)
FASTER RECOVERY TIME – Certain tissue regenerating genes including integrins, laminin, gap junction proteins and kinesin proteins have shown a two- to five-fold increase upon exposure to NIR. (7,8)
WORKOUT IN LESS TIME – Due to increased production of ATP and quick dilation of the microcirculatory system, a person can lessen warm-up time and work at a higher level of exertion without increasing blood pressure. (1,9,10)
DETOXIFY THE BODY - Increased blood circulation stimulates the sweat glands, releasing built-up toxins and waste. Sweat is the only way to remove certain carcinogenic PCBs, dioxins, phthalates, and volatile organic hydrocarbons. (11)
REDUCES VISIBLE CELLULITE - Cellulite is fat mixed with toxins that are trapped, in part due to an underactive circulatory system. Cellulite is so visible, in part due to weakened connective tissue. NIR helps rebuild connective tissue and has been shown to reduce cellulite. (12)
REJUVENATES SKIN - DNA Synthesis of fibroblasts, which affects the elasticity of skin, increase five-fold with NIR. The result is younger-looking, more beautiful skin. (1,7)
LESSENS JOINT AND MUSCLE PAIN & INCREASES FLEXIBILITY - Penetrating heat from NIR has long been proven to reduce pain and increase circulation to areas of discomfort. NIR has also been shown to significantly increase the range of flexibility. (13)"
1. Whelan H.T., Buchmann, E.V., et al, NASA Light-Emitting Diode Medical Applications From Deep Space to Deep Sea
2. Wong-Riley M.T., Bai, X., et al, Light-Emitting Diode Treatment Reversed the Effect of TTX on Cytochrome Oxidase in Neurons
3. Mockel F., Hoffmann G., et al Einfulss von Wassergefiltertem Infrator A auf die Reduktion von Lokalem Fett und Korpergewicht unter Korperlicher Belastung
4. Gilligan D.M., Panza J.M., et al, Contribution of Endothelium-derived Nitric Oxide to Exercise-Induced Vasodilation
5. Lopes-Martins R.A., Marcos R.L., et al, Effect of Low Level Laser on Skeletal Muscle Fatigue Induced by Electrical Stimulation in Rats
6. Abou-Hala A.Z, Barbosa D.G., et al, Effects of the Infrared Lamp Illumination during the Process of Muscle Fatigue in Rats
7. Wong-Riley M.T., Whelan H.T., Effect of 670-nm Light Emitting Diode Light on Neuronal Cultures
8. Buchmann E.V., Dhokalia A., et al, Effect of NASA Light-Emitting Diode Irradiation of Molecular Changes for Wound Healing in Diabetic Mice
9. Savard, G.K., Nielsen B., et al, Muscle Blood Flow is not reduced in Humans during Moderate Exercise and Heat Stress
10. Hannuksela M.L., Ellahham S., Benefits and Risks of Sauna Bathing
11. Rogers S., Reversing the Neuro-degeneration from Ubiquitous Environmental Endocrine Disruptors
12. Alster T.S., Tanzi E.L., Cosmetic Laser Therapy
13. Demura S., Noguchi T., and Matsuzawa J., Effect of Linear Polarized Near-infrared Irradiation on Flexibility of Shoulder and Ankle Joints
14. Christensen S.E., Jørgensen O.L., et al, Characterization of Growth Hormone Release in Response to External Heating